Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Shane: i think he was trying to screw me
me: how much was the estimate?
Shane: well
Shane: i have the print out code
me: wut u gonna do with that?
me: wats i for
Shane: oh
Shane: from the smog test
Shane: saying whats wrong
Shane: and he's like oh
Shane: it means thes two things
Shane: generally
Shane: but it iwll take like 1 hour to diagnois it
Shane: still
Shane: for 80 bucks
Shane: then we can go from there
Shane: and oh a tune up is like 150
Shane: i was like wut about my coupons
Shane: he's like "does not apply"
me: da;ljksjf;sladjf
Shane: so i waz like b00

lol am i the only one that finds the "wut about my coupons" hilarious and cute??

Friday, November 12, 2010

Guinea Pig Nom

Saw this on Buzzfeed and couldn't help but find this ridiculously cute.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sleeping Beauty Babysitter

I was shopping for my costume yesterday and browsing the store when I saw a mother with her two kids in a shopping cart. The mother told the older one (around age 5) to watch her younger brother (maybe 1 or two years old) while she looks through some fabric. The older sister excitedly said, "Okay!"

About half an hour later I see them again and the older sister is now in a deep sleep inside the shopping cart and does not notice her baby brother tugging on to her hair.

I haven't been updating because I haven't seen a lot of cute things lately, but this was really cute.

I'm also trying to think of a way to discretely take pictures of these cute things that I see without getting in trouble. If you have any ideas, let me know!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Superhero Kid

I was waiting for the BART train after work last week and i saw this CUTE ASS kid with his daddy. The kid was about 6 years old and had this huuugee frizzy fro. hella cute. Cutest part was when the train was coming in, the frizzy fro'ed kid stretched out his arms and said, "STOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP", trying to stop the train. When he ran out of breath, he inhaled and went, "-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPP" until the train stopped. Silly kids, thinking they have some kind of power over these things. Presh presh presh.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I bet the First Lady didn't know she'd be starting a trend

I was walking into my work building the other day and I saw two people who knew each other cross paths. They were both older men who works in the building. They seemed pretty straight edged and proper until they did....the Obama fist bump. Yes, that one that Michelle gave to Barack a while back. hahha. It was adorable because they didn't do it while in passing. They stood there and looked at each other's fists to make sure they would line up right and went at it slowly until contact. haha. cute.

Other news, I'm still in Jury Duty. That is NOT cute.


The Mins

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pink Box

Quickie entry

Everyday, I park my car near my dad's restaurant then I walk over to the BART station and take the BART to work. (well, lately I've been taking it to the courthouse for jury duty but whatevs) Today, I get back into my car, ready to go home and I found a pleasant surprise! It was a large pink box from Chinatown. And for all my Chinese peeps (as in people, not the not-so-delicious Easter candy) out there, you know this wonderful box is most likely filled with baked Asian goodies. Yayyy for asian goodies! So bad for you but sooo dericiouis! I just thought it was sooo cute because my dad is not a very sentimental man, but he always does these random acts of kindness. For example, when I was in college, every time I came home to visit, he would wash my car and fill my tank of gas. I think this contradiction btwn his actions and his outer demeanor is what makes my dad so cute lol. And if anyone says otherwise...(MOTHER)..you are wrong. lol.

Also, cute thing #2. I was in jury duty today, and this lady said that she thought it was weird when guys hit on her while she was pregnant. Another juror then said "I found my wife extremely beautiful when she was pregnant". CUTE.

thats all. i'll try harder at taking pictures of cutething.s haha BAI